Journey in University Organization


First year i come to Djuanda University, i entering the organization in Faculty of Social and Politic Science or usually called FISIP. Sometimes in class, my friend ask me about my skill to make a graphic design and i invited by senior colleger to enter DPM. I was very confused because i dont know what it's. For the first time, i join the meeting of DPM administrator, i slowly know about DPM. DPM (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa) it is an faculty organization same as like DPR but this organization control BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa).

And i meet other administrator from other level of studies. Most time in DPM organization it's meeting for a coordination with BEM in several moment. I rarely to come in the meeting because i must to study and i very lay about that organization. Until i with other administrator making big meeting or Musyawarah Besar to report about work responsibility in one year past.

I know mr. Fajar as leader of DPM organization, that enough very closer between us to chatting and discussion. My friend in same level studies start to join assemblage in communication study program and public administration study program. Normaly, i must to enter assemblage for the first time in university but bad rules make me stuck in DPM. DPM is the highest organization in faculty, but i in junior level can enter that organization it's very weird for me and my friends.

I invited by new leader of DPM organization to be second leader DPM because i have one year experience in DPM before with mr. Fajar. Mr. Hanafi as new leader of DPM organization in 2019 want me to join again in DPM and help they administrator to run new administrator DPM organization. I accept the invitation, but i most working in publication media on Instagram or blog of DPM organization to inform the colleger about meeting schedule, meeting result, or other else. It's working well until i with Hanafi's administrator finished the position in DPM organization on November 2020.

For now, i make promise to no longer in faculty organization, BEM or DPM organization because i want to focus finished my study and my business to achive the goal. That my experience in university organization on two year from i junior level study until middle level study now.

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